Supply Product
Product Range

    Main products: various types of noodle products, fresh vegetables, pickled vegetables, canned fruits, deeply processed vegetables and fruits, initial processing of livestock and poultry products, precision processing of livestock and poultry products, health food, pet food, frozen food, processed meat, eggs, flour products, etc

Industry Overview


    Anqiu City currently has 1.44 million mu of arable land, including 325000 mu of base land, with an annual output of over 4.6 million tons of high-quality edible agricultural products. It is the hometown of ginger and garlic, peaches, cherries, strawberries, and silkworms in China. Safe and high-quality agricultural products are the "golden signboard" of Anqiu.


    In 2007, the regional management of export agricultural product quality and safety was innovatively implemented nationwide. The experience and practices were determined by the Shandong Provincial Government and the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine as the "Anqiu Model" and promoted throughout the province and the country. The advantage of export-oriented agriculture is outstanding, adhering to the standard of high-quality agricultural products at the export level, and selling to both domestic and international markets. There are 176 agricultural product processing and export enterprises, exporting to more than 80 countries and regions. The annual vegetable exports account for about 60% of Weifang City and one seventh of the province's total. Agricultural product exports have led the province for 15 consecutive years and are known as the "number one county for vegetable exports in China" and the "world's vegetable basket".


    Anqiu City has been successively designated as the first vegetable filing base for Hong Kong supply in Shandong Province, the first batch of Shandong Province's agricultural product quality and safety demonstration zones, the national agricultural prod

organizational unit


Guidance unit:


Department of Commerce of Shandong Province




Weifang Bureau Of Commerce




People's Government of Anqiu City


Guangdong Buy-World Network Technology Co., Ltd.

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