Supplier: Zhuhai Fullwing Electronic Co., Ltd 4
Zhuhai Fullwing Electronic Co., Ltd
  • staff:

    Joe Chen

  • Zhuhai,China
  • 2021-09-07
  • bluetooth speaker,soundbar,jukebox,CDG karaoke machine,turntable

Jukebox FWJB-005B-CR

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372+Piece US $ 75.60 43972 0 15598
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Product InformationCompany Profile
Basic specification
Item No:
jukebox karaoke singing machine...
Brown wood
Product Details

Company Overview

Company Introduction
Zhuhai Fullwing Electronic Co., Ltd
  • Business Ranges: Consumer Electronics and Information Products
  • Main Products:bluetooth speaker,soundbar,jukebox,CDG karaoke machine,turntable
  • Country/Region: Zhuhai,China

Company Capability

R&D Production Capacity
  • Factory type: OEM,ODM
  • Factory Area: 10,000-30,000 square meters
  • Factory staff number: 500-1000 People
  • Factory Address: No 10, Xingye Road, Xinxu, San Xiang Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China.
  • Manufacturing line number: 8
  • Supply Capacity:
  • R&D Staff number:
  • R&D Area:
  • QC Staff number:

Certificate、 Trademark & patent

Certification/Test Report Verified
  1. Certificate Holder:ISO 9001:2015
  2. Reference no:QAIC/CN/185297
  3. Issued By:DQS
  4. Start Date(validity period):2020-11-19
  5. Type of certification:Mgnt Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):2021-11-07

Patents Verified
  1. No. of Patent:8372025
  2. Patent name:Loudspeaker with karaoke machine & CD player
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-21
  1. No. of Patent:8092331
  2. Patent name:Tower speaker compatible with IOS system
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-21
  1. No. of Patent:8088667
  2. Patent name:wireless karaoke microphone & bluetooth speaker all-in-one
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-21
  1. No. of Patent:8093033
  2. Patent name:bluetooth audio with telescopic structure
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-21
  1. No. of Patent:8094022
  2. Patent name:Solid wood bowl audio
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-30
  1. No. of Patent:8093368
  2. Patent name:Intelligent audio with radio communication function
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2018-03-21
  1. No. of Patent:1390542
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-1316A playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-02-29
  1. No. of Patent:1381375
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-1506C playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-05-20
  1. No. of Patent:1392417
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-1541 playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-01-10
  1. No. of Patent:1388942
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-BT910 playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-03-25
  1. No. of Patent:1388942
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-BT910 playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-03-25
  1. No. of Patent:1397103
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-1520 playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-04-16
  1. No. of Patent:1387220
  2. Patent name:home audio FW-1443 playback system V1.0
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2016-04-10

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Trademarks Verified
  1. Registration/Filing No:016905242
  2. Trademark Name:FULLWING
  3. Start Date:2017-10-06
  4. End Date(validity period):2099-06-16
  1. Registration/Filing No:9986773
  2. Trademark Name:FULLWING
  3. Start Date:2013-01-14
  4. End Date(validity period):2023-01-13
  1. Registration/Filing No:016905242
  2. Trademark Name:FULLWING
  3. Start Date:2017-10-06
  4. End Date(validity period):2097-10-06

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Jukebox FWJB-005B-CR
View the product information US $   75.60 Min.Order:372/Piece
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