Supplier: Aimore Electric Manufacturing co,Ltd. 5
Aimore Electric Manufacturing co,Ltd.
  • staff:

    green pan

  • Zhongshan,China
  • 2020-05-11
  • induction cookers

Multi fucntions electric pressure cooker

Multi fucntions electric pressure cooker
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500+Piece US $ 23.10 37598 0 12997
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Product InformationCompany Profile
Basic specification
Brand Name:
Aimore or OEM
1 year
Multi fucntions electric pressu...
Item No:
Power (W):
Voltage (V):
Model Number:
Over heating protector
4 Digital Display
Product Details

Company Overview

Company Introduction
Aimore Electric Manufacturing co,Ltd.
  • Business Ranges: Household Electrical Appliances
  • Main Products:induction cookers
  • Country/Region: Zhongshan,China

Company Capability

R&D Production Capacity
  • Factory type: OEM
  • Factory Area: 5,000-1,0000 square meters
  • Factory staff number: 50-100 People
  • Factory Address: No. 21, Tongfu East Rd., Shenghui North Industrial Zone, Nantou Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China.
  • Manufacturing line number: 5
  • Supply Capacity:
  • R&D Staff number: 5-10 People
  • R&D Area: 100-300 square meters
  • QC Staff number: 11-20 People

Certificate、 Trademark & patent

Certification/Test Report Verified
  1. Certificate Holder:CERTIFICATE of Conformity(AE)
  2. Reference no:AE 50194504 0001
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2010-12-29
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:Certificate of Conformity
  2. Reference no:CE0802138121
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2008-02-22
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:CB TEST CERTIFICATE
  2. Reference no:SG-HS-04580
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2015-02-11
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:CB TEST CERTIFICATE OF infrared cooker
  2. Reference no:JPTUV-053268
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2013-10-23
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:Induction cooker CB TEST CERTIFICATE
  2. Reference no:JPTUV-088142
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2018-05-25
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:Attestation of Conformity(CE)
  2. Reference no:N8A 150390921002
  3. Issued By:TUV NORD
  4. Start Date(validity period):2015-03-05
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:LVD certificate
  2. Reference no:AN 501956030001
  3. Issued By:Other
  4. Start Date(validity period):2019-01-20
  5. Type of certification:Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01
  1. Certificate Holder:SGS REPORT
  2. Reference no:QIP-ASR141456
  3. Issued By:SGS
  4. Start Date(validity period):2015-05-16
  5. Type of certification:Mgnt Certification
  6. Name:Other
  7. End Date(validity period):1970-01-01

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Patents Verified
  1. No. of Patent:zl201620787452.3
  2. Patent name:An induction cooker with energy saving function
  3. Type of Patent: Self Patent
  4. Start Date:2017-01-04

Multi fucntions electric pressure cooker
View the product information US $   23.10 Min.Order:500/Piece
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